Most rapes are not committed by strangers but by someone you already know:  a boyfriend, ex-boyfriend, blind date, friend of the family, someone who lives nearby, works with you, delivers packages to your home.  Physical force may be involved or simply the threat of force.  There may only be emotional badgering or intimidation.  

Some pointers:  don’t go out alone with someone you don’t know well for several dates at least (not just one).  Go somewhere there are people around–a movie, a coffee shop or double date.  Always tell someone where you’re going, with whom, and what time you expect to be home.  If you’re feeling nervous or uneasy at any time, end the date and get out of there as soon as you can.  Have a pre-arranged plan for what to do if something goes wrong and keep your cell phone charged and handy.

And, those of you who think it’s kewl to dress like your favorite reality TV star or slut-ebrity when going out, listen up:  In a perfect world, yes, you have the right to wear whatever you want, but you can’t predict how other people will interpret your manner of dress, especially if they don’t know you well.  What someone wears is NEVER, NEVER, NEVER  justification for rape (or even disrespectful behavior); but, just like we shouldn’t have to put locks on our doors or bars on our windows; it’s, sadly, safer to do so.  Dress on the side of caution; you can still look great.    Crime Prevention 101