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Sad but true:  two-thirds of ex-offenders relapse into crime within three years after they’ve been released from prison.  Against heavy odds, however, some DO turn their lives around and this week, I’ll be speaking with some former bad guys who are not only law-abiding citizens but are inspiring other ex-cons to do the same.  Spend some time with us and become hopeful.

Larry Lawton, convicted for armed robbery and extortion in 1996, who, after spending 11 years in some of the country’s toughest federal prisons, founded The Reality Check Program for at-risk kids that shows them what prison life is really like.  He’s affected thousands of troubled lives so far.  

 Former drug abuser/dealer Randy Kearse, now the author of five motivational books based on his personal experiences, inspires other ex cons trying to go straight to find their own voice and transition back into society. 

 And, Ryan Holly from Defy Ventures, the organization founded by former Wall Street venture capitalist Catherine Rohr, stops by.  Defy Ventures helps ex-cons with an entrepreneurial bent go into business for themselves.  Based on the highly successful Prison Entrepreneurship Program in Texas, where over 600 ex-cons graduated with a recidivism rates of less than 10%.  Defy Ventures also teaches good citizenship and family skills, provides business internships and even start-up capital to a lucky few!

